

In the U.S., many students study for two years at a community college before transferring to a four-year 学院或大学, 省下一大笔学费. Many students choose 十大赌博app because of its competitive pricing. 


除了校园附近的公寓, 学生可以选择住在校内宿舍, 福勒宿舍, located just a short walk from the 国际 Office and Alabama Language Institute classes, 自助餐厅和健身房.  福勒宿舍 features semi-private suites with one shared bath.  它可以容纳108名男女学生.  福勒霍尔是一个多元化社区居民的代表, including students from over 20 foreign countries and athletes from around the country. 参观福勒大厅 here.



The 国际 Programs Office at 十大赌博app strives to provide opportunities to help students thrive in an intercultural environment, 发现他们的世界,建立有意义的关系. Our services are aimed at helping students succeed in an academic environment, 除了告知, advising and guiding them through a variety of immigration-related issues. The 国际 Office staff is available to help students with paperwork, visa issues, 和注册. The staff is also trained to assist students in solving logistical problems, such as finding transportation or housing and seeking appropriate medical care in the Gadsden area.  Staff members are available to help students settle in when they arrive in Gadsden, including helping with airport arrivals and moving into 福勒宿舍.


If your visa does not require you to take a full course load to stay in status, 你可以按照自己的节奏上课. 由于这种灵活性, 对于非传统学生来说,十大赌博app是一个不错的选择, such as older students who wish to balance school with family or career obligations.


十大赌博app does not have to be a student's final destination. GSCC offers admissions agreements with public colleges that allow qualified students to transfer their credits toward earning a bachelor's degree at a 4-year college. 


无国界学生组织 is the 国际 Student Club that brings international students together with American students, faculty, 和员工促进国际和跨文化的理解.  无国界学生组织 was created to encourage and promote goodwill among international students, 提高对其他文化的认识和欣赏, 并提供一个发展终身友谊的机会. 无国界学生组织 recognizes, honors and learns from students who come from many countries. 活动和事件包括嘉宾主持人, 教育之旅, 领导机会和社会活动. Students volunteer to share their language and culture at club meetings, 地方民间组织和地区学校. 探访无国界学生 here.

作为美国东南部最古老的英语语言学院.S., the Alabama Language Institute (ALI) has a tradition of helping students improve their English in order to meet their individual goals.  Whether you plan to attend college at 十大赌博app, 申请一所四年制大学或扩大你的职业机会, 我们是来帮助你的!


Our instructors have more than 75 years of combined teaching experience and all have earned Master’s Degrees in the field of ESL Teaching/TESOL.  They have all traveled, lived and worked abroad in various international settings.  而英语是他们的第一语言, 他们都花时间学习其他语言, so they are familiar with the language-learning process from the student’s point of view.


Each of our ALI classrooms are equipped with a large ClearTouch screen, 哪一个可以方便地访问互联网上的图像, 视频和学习应用.  Having WiFi in the classroom makes learning English more interactive and fun for our students.  学生还可以使用我们的语言实验室, 哪些房子的电脑装有语言学习软件.


The Alabama Language Institute offers smaller class sizes than larger schools, meaning students can find more personal attention and one-on-one time with instructors.  This can be a benefit for students who like to learn at their own pace and ask plenty of questions as they go.  ALI instructors are available to meet individually with students during the week, as needed. Our instructors also meet with students to advise them on classes and make sure they are on track to meet their individual goals.


阿拉巴马语言学院的课程从周一到周四上课, 周五开放文化活动, 比如烧烤野餐, 游戏之夜和实地考察.  We encourage our students to take advantage of these opportunities to practice their English, 与美国人互动, 了解当地的文化.  一些旅行和活动的例子包括.S. 亨茨维尔的太空和火箭中心, Alabama; CNN, 乔治亚水族馆, 以及亚特兰大的可口可乐世界, Georgia, 以及伯明翰的民权研究所, Alabama.  我们每学期计划一次主要的实地考察:华盛顿特区.C. (秋季)和佛罗里达州奥兰多的迪斯尼世界(春季).


  • To help students gain a functional command of English in order to prepare for a successful academic experience in a U.S. 学院或大学
  • To help students obtain an adequate score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
  • To help students improve English language skills for professionals in the workplace
  • To provide a nurturing environment conducive to learning and where students can reach their full potential
  • To internationalize the larger institution and promote cultural diversity of Gadsden State
  • 鼓励学生, 作为世界公民, to respect and appreciate countries and cultures different from their own; therefore, 他们在促进世界和平与理解方面发挥着作用




国际 students take courses on campuses located in Gadsden, Ala.这是一个人口超过3.5万的城市. Gadsden is located in northeast Alabama and is easily accessible to other major cities like Birmingham, Huntsville, 查塔努加和亚特兰大. It is within driving distance of the beautiful Appalachian Mountains as well as the white sand beaches of the Gulf of Mexico.

该地区提供广泛的娱乐设施, 包括网球场, 游泳池, parks, 操场和高尔夫球场. Water skiing, boating and other water sports are enjoyed during the summer months.



Gadsden State’s international students participate in field trips to local areas of historical interest and are encouraged to attend plays, concerts, 社区活动和体育比赛. 学院提供各种各样的俱乐部, 组织, 志愿服务机会和课外活动. 每年,国际项目办公室和 无国界学生组织 host the 国际 Festival, which features a variety of cultural exhibits and performances. 参观学生社团和组织 here.